Using Voice to Improve Brand Recall and Customer Loyalty

In the world of marketing and advertising, the concept of brand recall looms large. It’s how customers remember your brand, products, and services. Let's explore how voice can support you with the ever-elusive brand recall and customer loyalty.



For some products, it’s a visual image (think of the Amazon ‘a’, for instance, or the Google ‘G’). For other products, customers might remember a song or jingle (Nationwide Insurance ranks high, likely due to the fun Peyton Manning-Brad Paisley duo). And other brand recall examples might be a tagline (McDonald's ‘I’m lovin’ it’ springs to mind). 

Brand recall is also an important measurement to retain customers, especially in darker economic times. Perhaps this is not the time to try and win new customers. 

How do your customers recall your brand? Do you even know? Let’s dig in and explore. 


Building Customer Loyalty

Suppose you’re a marketing executive managing brand programs, customer loyalty initiatives and customer retention programs. In that case, you already know that brand recall is a key metric to increase your market share and likely your bottom line. 

Building brand recall means you’re creating strong brand awareness. This is typically the initial step in the marketing funnel. Think of the brands that have high brand recall. Apple has a visual logo, Progressive Insurance has a character (Flo) and Peloton has specific product features. Building brand awareness and brand recall can move your customers from leads to purchases. 

Brand recall helps to fuel repeat purchases when your product’s brand recall is high among customers. When your brand has high customer recall, it’s likely your customer loyalty and retention are equally high. 

The more your goods and services stay in your customers’ minds (and possibly your prospects’), the more your brand is likely to increase market share and bottom-line revenues.


Brand Recall Using Voice 

With voice commerce, your customers become aware of your brand through voice and sound. These interactions happen with voice-based systems in mobile apps, cars, home smart speakers and customer hardware products. 

Conversational AI and voice-based commerce is the next step in getting closer to your customers. A 2021 study on interactions with voice assistants show that over 30% of people now use voice assistants in daily use. (see graphic below)



Marketers have a great opportunity to respond to that usage. As noted in a recent Forbes piece, “Voice allows you to advertise without being intrusive. The key element here is the conversational piece, being able to speak directly to customers like a trusted friend or advisor.”

Several of our clients use voice alerts to inform customers that product delivery is on the way. As customers hear the brand’s name repeated throughout the product ordering and product delivery cycle, they are reminded of the products and brand. In these cases, voice recognition is building, helping to promote the brand and improve brand recall over time. 

If you’re not already using voice, it’s time to start voice marketing to improve brand recognition and brand recall to reach your existing loyal customers. 


5 Tips to Improve Brand Recall With Voice

Improving brand recall using voice and other marketing measures can attract customers to your brand, product and service. Here are some critical steps to improve your game. 

  1. Develop a unique brand: Hopefully, you already have a solid product, with a definite purpose and usefulness that solves a problem. The reasonable step after product creation is to build a great brand identity. Develop a strong brand personality using packaging, a logo, a theme, taglines, voice pitches, social media, and more. Be memorable to consumers. 

  2. Communicate your purpose/mission: Today’s buyers often seek out a product that’s changing something. Make sure you are clear to your audience about what your product can do, your mission, why you are launching this product and what problem you expect it to solve. 

  3. Plan your voice strategy: Voice marketing and voice-based commerce should not be seen as marketing add-ons. They must be fully baked in from the start. To do voice right, you’ll need a budget, a team, marketing partners and more. Your brand can improve its brand recognition and brand recall by using the right voice commerce partner who can help you build opportunities for voice-based commerce.

  4. Use voice in customer loyalty programs: The best brands are using text, voice, email and social media to recognize customers, reach out with reminders and build loyalty and retention. Find the right combination of tools to build a loyal tribe of consumers that can advance your brand recall.

  5. Measure and monitor your brand recall: Measuring and monitoring brand sentiment, awareness and recall is an important factor in your overall voice marketing strategy. Be flexible and ready to adjust or shift course, to get your brand into the ‘top-of-mind’ area for customers. 

New opportunities continue to develop every day for building brand recognition using voice commerce. As technology evolves, artificial intelligence makes the voice-based shopping experience easier than ever. Brands have a great opportunity to capitalize on the strong interest in voice assistants and voice commerce. 

Let Blutag help. We are the leading solution for adding voice commerce functionality to your ecommerce store. We provide everything for retail companies to deliver voice apps (without coding) to their customers in just a few simple steps. Reach out to us today!

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